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OMAS LUCENS WARTIME - medium size blue marbled

The Lucens model was introduced by Omas in 1936 with a rich greek-key cap band. The style of the model was reviewed in the following years and the cap was simplified.The rich band was replaced by three thin cap bands.

During wartime years, the gold filling had to be abandoned and all caps were produced with chrome colored metal parts.

Wartime finish was matched with an alloy nib (Omas named this alloy Permanio) which was used to replaced gold nibs.

Immediately after the war, Omas went back to the use of gold and  Permanio nibs were dismissed in favor of traditional gold nibs.

This pen is fitted with  an Omas Extra 14 ct gold nib which is very smooth and flexible.

The personalization on the cap reads: "la Stilografica- Bologna" which is the name of a famous pen shop in Bologna. La Stilografica was one of the main Omas official retailer of the area and its owner was in very friendly terms with A. Simoni.